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January 15, 2021
Latin America, Press Releases, Tips and Tricks

Dear passengers and clients,

For the past 30 years, the Hub of the Americas has steadily grown to become the leading connecting hub in Latin America, allowing us to fulfill our purpose: shortening distances and connecting people throughout the Americas, making it easier for families to stay close, for travelers to enjoy the wonders of our region, for the growth and development of communities, for businesses to thrive and to promote economic growth.

Today, this purpose is temporarily interrupted to protect everyone – our passengers, our employees, and everyone involved in making air travel possible. We believe this is the best decision due to the unprecedented global crisis we are facing together. Following the instructions of the Panamanian government, and because our priority is the safety and well-being of our passengers, employees and the communities we serve, we join the fight against COVID‑19 by suspending all our flights through April 21, 2020.

Once we resume our flight operations, we will continue offering the service you deserve. It will not be an easy journey, and the world will probably have changed, but our commitment and dedication to serving you will not change. From Panama, we urge you to do the same and stay at home caring for your families and loved ones.

We deeply value our relationship with all of you and plan to stay in touch with you during the coming weeks. To stay informed about everything related to Copa Airlines and the current situation, please visit copa.com or our official social media platforms.

Stay connected!

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