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January 18, 2021
Airlines, Delta Air Lines - EN, Latin America, Press Releases
Updated December 15, 2020

Delta eliminates international change fees, adds more flexibility to new tickets

  • Last week, Delta continued to make it easier for customers to book, change, or cancel travel plans by announcing the permanent elimination of exchange fees for all international travel originating in North America, effective immediately. This means there are no exchange fees on Delta tickets for travel originating in North America to anywhere in the world, including flights operated by joint ventures and codeshare partners. Only Basic Economy rates are excluded.
  • Delta also extended its existing waiver for exchange fees for all U.S domestic and international tickets purchased through March 30, 2021. This will allow travelers to book travel for the next year with the confidence of knowing that they can change plans at any time regardless of the type of ticket booked or the destination they are traveling to.

Simplifying the travel experience with no change fees and more flexibility is an ongoing commitment that delta is bringing to you and your travelers. In August, Delta also announced the elimination of exchange fees for travel within the US, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, also excluding Basic Economy rates.

Delta has been a consistent leader in putting customers and their needs at the center of the travel experience, including offering more flexibility by taking steps like:

  • Eliminating the $150 redeposit fee to cancel an award ticket and the $150 reissue fee to change an award ticket  (excluding Basic Economy fares). 
  • Eliminating the 72-hour requirement to change or cancel an award ticket.
  • Allowing customers to use the remaining balance of their ticket toward future Delta travel (similar to the experience of receiving a store credit when exchanging an item for a less expensive one). 
  • Extending travel credits through December 2022 for travel originally scheduled to depart after March 1, 2020 (if the ticket was purchased before April 17, 2020).

In 2021, Delta will continue to expand its promise of customer-centric flexibility, always keeping your needs and those of your travelers in mind.

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