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February 9, 2021
Airlines, Latin America, Press Releases, Tips and Tricks
Updated December 9, 2020

Mexico welcomes you in 2021!

Mexico remains open for travel, meaning you can still experience its pristine sandy beaches and the rich culture of its cities. As one of the few destinations that US residents can travel to without restrictions, the passion for travel to Mexico continues to grow as we look into the new year.

Curious how you can get there safely?

On behalf of Tom Tours Agencia de Viajes we would like to share this important information below to make your visit to Mexico as safe as possible!

Pre-travel Requirements and Guidelines

Entry and Exit Requirements

Are U.S Citizens allowed entry?


  • While the land border between the US and Mexico is closed for non-essential travel, US citizens are still allowed to visit Mexico by air.

Is a negative COVID-19 test required for entry?


Are there health control procedures at airports and other ports of entry?


  • Passengers and crew members arriving at Mexican airports may be subject to health checks, including temperature controls. Those with symptoms may be subject to further testing and/or quarantine.
  • Travelers can experience significant delays and face the possibility of being returned to the US or quarantined in Mexico.

Movement Restrictions

Is there a Curfew?


Curfews are determined by the local city and state as a preventive measure. Restrictions are not country-wide and will vary based on locale. Please inquire with one of our experts for specific advice.

Are there restrictions on inter-city or inter-state travel?


Restrictions apply in some areas and, as above, will vary by locale. Please inquire with one of our experts.

Quarantine Information

Do US citizens need to self-quarantine?


  • The Mexican government encourages people to adhere to social distancing measures including washing hands and maintaining 6 feet of distance in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. A variety of prevention measures can be found here.
    • For US citizens who have participated in higher risk activities or think they may have been exposed, the CDC encourages you to take the following additional precautions to protect others for at least 14 days after arrival:
    • Stay home as much as possible.
    • Avoid staying around people who are at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19.
    • Consider getting tested for COVID-19.
    • In the US, quarantine requirements and recommendations may vary by state. Therefore, travelers should review each state’s entry requirements before traveling.

COVID-19 Signs and Safety

  • The symptoms of COVID-19 (such as fever, cough, headaches, sore throat, or constant sneezing) are very similar to other respiratory illnesses. If you have mild symptoms call your regular healthcare provider or call the Mexican government hotline at (800) 0044 800 or 55 5658 1111 for advice. If you or someone in your family has trouble breathing, go to the emergency room or call 911 immediately.

  • People who have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and show symptoms of respirator illness should follow the instructions above. It is advisable to stay in quarantine for 14 days to avoid spreading the disease to other people.

  • If you are experiencing fear, anxiety, or emotional isolation, please call the Mexican government hotline at 800 911 2000 for advice and support.

Transportation options

Are commercial flights operating?


Our partners such as Delta Air Lines, AeroMexico, United Airlines, and American Airlines are all flying to Mexico. You can search directly on our booking engine for the best prices on airfare to Mexico in the industry!

Is public transportation operating?


While some states and municipalities have implemented additional transportation restrictions, others remain operational. Consult one of our experts for advice.

Accommodations and Longer-term travel in Mexico

Given the rise in work from home flexibility, many travelers are opting for longer stays in Mexico as resorts have started offering extended stay packages for travelers and their families! Furthermore, establishments such as our partners, Iberostar Hotels and Resort, are offering a “Travel at Ease” initiative medical insurance during this unpredictable time, including our partners, Iberostar Hotels and Resorts are becoming more common and many brands are starting to offer free medical insurance to their guests.

  • Fifteen states were designated in “orange” under the federal system from September 28 to October 11 (Baja California Sur, Colima, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacán, México state, Mexico City, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosí, Yucatán, Veracruz, and Zacatecas.) Under current restrictions, hotels, restaurants, barber shops, outdoor parks and gyms are limited to 50 percent of their capacity. Markets and supermarkets will operate at 75 percent of their capacity. In addition, shopping centers, churches, movie theaters, theaters, museums and cultural events will be limited to 25 percent of their capacity.

  • Sixteen states are designated in yellow in the federal traffic light system between September 28 and October 11 (Aguascalientes, Baja California, Coahuila, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, Sonora, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, and Tabasco.) Under current restrictions, all work activities are allowed. Public spaces may open regularly, while closed public spaces may open with reduced capacity. All activities must be carried out with basic prevention measures. People in groups at high risk of developing symptoms of COVID-19 should take extra precautionary measures.

  • One state is designated green on the federal traffic light system between September 28 and October 11 (Campeche). Under current restrictions all social and economic activities, including schools, are allowed taking proper precautions

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